Marsh Restoration Works – Boiler Marsh & Pylewell Lake

LNTM No 1 of 2024

Mariners are advised that between Wednesday 1st August 2024 and the 17th October 2024, marsh restoration works will commence in Boiler Marsh to the east of the Lymington River entrance.

Two ‘dumb’ barges are needed to facilitate the works. Both barges are 25m in length with a beam of 10m and will be held in position by spud legs. One will be moored in Pylewell Lake, the other in East Lake. The barge in East Lake will move position within a defined works area. A 10m tug ‘Challis’ will move the barges when required.

A winch system will operate between the two barges which will tow a Saltmarsh Restoration Drag Box to move sediment previously dredged from the Lymington River and placed in East Lake, to the restoration area further inshore.

When working, both barges will display lights and shapes in accordance with Rule 27b (i) and Rule 27b (ii) of the Merchant Shipping (Distress Signals and Prevention of Collisions) Regulations 1996. When out of service and at anchor overnight, both barges will display two all-round white lights in accordance with Rule 30a (ii).

The plan below shows the location of the two barges and the replenishment works.

Barge 1 (Pylewell Lake) will be located at the following co-ordinates (WGS84):

Latitude: 050º 45’ 06.12” N
Longitude: 001º 30’ 20.03” W

Prior to works commencing, the entrance to East Lake will be marked by two yellow ‘special mark’ buoys located at the following co-ordinates (WGS84):

Western Buoy Eastern Buoy
Latitude: 050⁰ 44’ 46.91” N Latitude: 050⁰ 44’ 48.10” N
Longitude: 001⁰ 30’ 26.19” W Longitude: 001⁰ 30’ 14.82” W

Mariners should avoid navigating north of a transit (shown as a yellow line) taken between the two special marks demarking the entrance to East Lake.

Mariners should exercise extreme care when navigating Pylewell Lake, particularly at night.

This notice will self-cancel on the 17th October 2024

Ryan Willegers
Harbour Master
Issued: 11th July 2024

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